A Breakthrough Opportunity in Canadian Real Estate Investing!
Authentic Canadian Real Estate (A.C.R.E) Investor Summit

Your Jumpstart to Wealth

November 1-3 2019
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver
2080 United Boulevard Coquitlam 

In the new world of real estate investing, words like everchanging, uncertainty and confusion are woven into almost any and every conversation with investors and want-to-be investors across Canada. 

Odd, seemingly inconsistent events and decisions don’t bring expected results. Once-reliable rules don’t work. This makes it hard to chart a personal and financial plan of a path forward. 

Given the everchanging and very diverse real estate environment of British Columbia, the confusion and uncertainty is stopping many new investors from getting started, or experienced investors from taking the actions to grow their real estate portfolio to the next level. 

From mortgage stress test rules, rental regulations & affordable housing programs and challenges, to the controversy of the British Columbia NDP and the fight against pipelines stopping us from getting oil at a price that works... it’s not shocking that many investors don’t know what to do next.

However, with REIN's 27-year history guiding and leading real estate investors to create financial security and certainty, we know there are incredible opportunities in times of economic confusion for investors who know what to look for. 

Many of the real estate investing and financial principles REIN teaches often go against the traditional advice people are given or have been taught. As a result, we have been criticized or even been called “reckless, old school and short-sighted." Mostly by people selling THEIR real estate deals...
Perhaps two of the most "controversial" things we’ve said are:

1. You need to invest in real estate based on the economic fundamentals; not the hype and hyperbole of headlines (and salespeople!)
2. Real estate is a way to create financial security, financial certainty and is a proven path to financial freedom.
The truth? You have to look past the misleading and overstated headlines (...which are there to sell newspapers!) AND you can’t save your way to financial freedom. Period full stop.
Nonetheless, for many people, riding the rollercoaster of media hype and investing in speculation (ie. following the crowd) and saving money is their plan for creating a financial future... and sadly, it's their only plan. 

They hope and pray that after paying their bills,  there will be enough left over to put in the bank. However, even if they are successful at saving, the interest rates paid by most savings accounts trail the rate of inflation... meaning they are losing instead of winning.
We think that is reckless, old school and short-sighted!
Unlock the door and take the next steps to creating your financial future with us at A.C.R.E

Your Investor Summit will give you a Jumpstart to Wealth by showing you how to build financial freedom through investing in real estate. You'll be guided how to make smart, strategic decisions at the right time... in ANY and EVERY market condition. 
Instead of saving, get educated on how to develop a plan as a real estate investor. A plan based on proven tactics and the right education. You will be amazed at how fast you can put yourself on track to escape the day-to-day grind, stop working for money…and start having your money work for you. 

Jumpstart to Wealth is unlike any A.C.R.E of the past!

The long history of REIN’s 2.5 day A.C.R.E program changed an industry and set the educational standard for teaching Canadians the fundamentals of how to invest in cash flow positive real estate. This year, we're taking REIN's foundational education framework to a whole new level and expanding on the proven strategies for you to apply as you take ACTION in the future. 
With a totally revamped and revitalized agenda combined with a renewed line up of real estate investing experts, our research and strategy-based approach minimizes risks and maximizes your returns. We'll show you how to create financial freedom by design and build REAL WEALTH... the kind of wealth that lets you sleep soundly at night, that grows steadily and predictably, and allows you to live the life you've always dreamed of.

Consider this...

  • We're not realtors and we don't sell real estate which means our research and recommendations are always  unbiased an 100% BS-FREE
  • We're consistently featured on major media outlets in Canada including: BNN, Globe & Mail, The Edmonton Journal, The Calgary Herald, The Ottawa Citizen, The Hamilton Spectator, The Toronto Star, Canada AM, Realty TV, The Real Estate Show & dozens more
  • We work with seasoned investors and out-and-out novices alike, providing them with precise tools, research and market analysis, and networking opportunities they need to build their net worth & create profitable and sustainable real estate portfolios
  • And most importantly, we have helped thousands of satisfied investors to buy and sell a staggering $5.3 billion in Canadian real estate since 1991...
We're not telling you this to boast; but to show you that our members didn't create this kind of wealth by accident.

They did it by understanding the difference between bad news headlines and the truth about any regional marketplace for making smart, strategic decisions at the right time... in ANY and EVERY market condition under the sun.

When your real estate investment strategies are combined with ACTION that's based on solid principles as opposed to "speculative" get-rich-quick deals and schemes it's incredibly difficult to fail.

And that's what the A.C.R.E. Investor Summit-Jumpstart to Wealth is all about.

  • It's about teaching you how to analyze market or property, and then apply the right strategies and tactics and make decisions that pay off - no matter what the economy is doing.
  • It's about giving you the tools, the guidance, and creating the community and the environment you need to build a life of financial certainty and freedom by design.
  • It's about showing you how to seize today's opportunities to create the net worth you want, step-by-step, decision-by-decision, over the next 5 to 10 years.

A.C.R.E. gives you the Jumpstart to Wealth that you need!

Join Us to Discover a RESEARCH and STRATEGY-Based Approach that Minimizes

Risk and Maximizes Returns.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

The first thing you need to know about why REIN works so well to help everyday folks generate literally millions in personal wealth is this:
  • REIN is committed to a research-based approach that is grounded in actual data and reliable information. This research directs and galvanizes the investment strategy and tactics that will give you the best return on your investments.
  • This is a dramatic departure from other “guess and hope” real estate investment gurus out there.
  • Our metrics-based investment strategy gives you the confidence you need to invest consistently and profitably – as well as HOLD or SELL at exactly the right times.
  • This allows you to take advantage of every opportunity the market throws at you – including the one staring you in the face right now.

So how do we analyze markets and make such accurate, confidence-boosting recommendations?

REIN consistently delivers real-life solutions and strategies you can implement now - no matter where you're at on your investing journey.

In 2.5 days, you'll walk away with a solid understanding of the following Real Estate Gold: 

  • Creative buying and selling strategies for ANY market condition
  • Outside of the box investment solutions; such as putting yours or others stagnant RSP's to work by investing in real estate (and many more!)
  • Exploring the pros & cons within the Multi-Family Investing world
  • How to decide, within 30 seconds, whether a property has profit potential or not
  • A micro & macro analysis of Vancouver's markets and trends pointing you exactly where to take action NEXT!
  • A chance to listen in & have your questions answered with an Economic Development panel
  • How to identify markets that are overpriced or underpriced & the skills to accurately analyze ANY property - even if you're a novice investor
  • The Joint Venture Secrets to use in 2019 & beyond that attract and get deals done (that attract investors) 
  • Getting your deals financed: raising money and attracting capital (even in times of doubt)
  • The importance of treating your real estate investing as a business: including risk mitigation and formulas to generate more cash flow 
  • Easy DIY marketing to attract the right tenants using social media 

Who Should Attend A.C.R.E?

  • Real estate investors who are new to the game
  • Seasoned & experienced investors looking for new ways to win the game
  • Property managers
  • Real estate agents
  • Real estate brokers
  • Residential & commercial agents
  • Listing & leasing agents
  • Real estate marketing professionals
  • Property developers
  • Anyone looking to achieve financial freedom through investing in real estate